"A Science of Miracle Healing"
Unani Medicine is a system of healthcare based on the classical clinical precepts of the early pioneers of medicine Hippocrates, the ‘father of medicine’, Galen and Ibn Sina the ‘Prince of Physicians’. Extensively practiced from east to west throughout the world till eighteenth century and remained in the Indian sub-continent up to now, it has been introduced into many countries worldwide over the past decades.
The Unani Medical system is fundamentally empirical in nature, as it draws extensively on clinical experience extending back several centuries. Even so, there is a large body of scientific evidence confirming the beneficial impact of Unani Medicine on a number of common, chronic disorders such as, arthritis, bronchial asthma and diabetes etc…
Unani Physicians offer primary healthcare (accepted by the World Health Organization in 1976) to patients who choose to follow a more integrative approach to their healthcare. The shift from treatment to maintaining health is its prime objective.
Unani medicine can stand alone as a practical and acceptable system of health maintenance and disease treatment. However, the Unani Medicine paradigm is largely compatible with orthodox, conventional medicine; they both share a common ancestry. This compatibility confirms Unani Medicine as a suitable partner in the practice of integrative medicine, when combined with conventional medicine. In the treatment of acute diseases and emergencies, conventional medicine would be the paradigm of choice, whereas in chronic disorders it would be Unani Medicine . In addition, whereas conventional medicine tends to favor the suppression of symptoms, Unani Medicine is more directed at identifying and nullifying the underlying causes and contributory factors. The two medical paradigms would therefore truly complement each other.
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